Family Kit – Donatello

The Family Kit is a tool that Palazzo Strozzi has devised for children (aged 6 and over) and grown-ups to allow them to share art in a creative and fun way. For the Donatello, the Renaissance exhibition the Kit comes in the shape of a brochure with activities to do in front of the exhibits in the exhibition halls, with in-depth explanations and suggestions for discovering the great art of the Renaissance.

The Kit suggests a tour of the exhibition halls for users to observe the great sculptures’ size, materials and shapes. Each exhibit recounts gestures and feelings, representing timeless bodies, faces and stories. Allow yourself to be inspired and to express your own ideas and your creativity.

With the Kit you can: observe, invent, learn and create in order to share your experience of the exhibition with the whole family.

The Family Kit is designed for use by family’s visiting Palazzo Strozzi’s exhibition halls under their own steam.

It is free of charge  and is available in a hardcopy version which can be picked up at the exhibition box office or it can be downloaded in digital format.

Download the Family Kit

The Family Kit is a project by Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi. Illustrations and design by Bianca Sangalli Moretti e Gianluca Patti.


Above: Donatello e Michelozzo, Danza di spiritelli (det.) (dal Pergamo del Sacro Cingolo a Prato), 1434-1438, Prato, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo – Diocesi di Prato. Fototeca Ufficio Beni Culturali Diocesi di Prato.
