Mercato Centrale Firenze and Palazzo Strozzi – Ai Weiwei. Libero

To tie in with the exhibition, the Mercato Centrale Firenze is hosting an installation consisting of ten giant photographs from the famous series Study of Perspective.
The images comprise a sort of ironic travelogue in which the artist places his camera between his face and his middle finger pointing towards such iconic spots as the Colosseum in Rome, the White House in Washington, or Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Ai Weiwei changes our way of looking at the world, in this case with an ironic and irreverent approach that questions the traditional outlook.
Ai Weiwei does not point the finger of accusation directly at the authorities; rather, he criticises its symbols and our way of interacting with them.

Pick up the coupon at the Infopoint in the Mercato Centrale Firenze for a discount on the price of admission to the Ai Weiwei. Libero exhibition (€ 9.50 reduced from € 12).


