Down, down, even lower! Activities for families with children 3 to 6 years old

From 25 October 2023

To 31 January 2024

  • Wednesday

What can a black space be? A hole, a cave, a den, a well, a hiding place… Any dark and mysterious place can be infinite things and can contain everything and nothing, an endless void or be inhabited by the thousand presences that the imagination can imagine.

And what would happen if we fell into it?

The activity Down Down, Ever Down! includes a first part in the exhibition Anish Kapoor. Untrue Unreal with narrative moments and sensory experiences: together, we discover the works of this great artist, colorful sculptures that seem to magically emerge.

After the visit, in the workshop, we give shape and color to the wonderful worlds that can fill any black space, big, small, however it may be.

Down Down, Ever Down! is designed to be carried out by adults and children together: the exhibition thus becomes an opportunity to experience art with the whole family.

Reservations required. Limited seats.
Activities are free with the exhibition ticket.

Activities held in Italian only.

Per una migliore esperienza di visita, consulta le informazioni per i visitatori.

Ufficio prenotazioni
CSC Sigma

Dal lunedì al venerdì
Tel. +39 055 26 45 155

Cover: Anish Kapoor, Void Pavilion VI, 2018 © Anish Kapoor. All rights reserved SIAE, 2023
