Mirror, mirror Workshop for families with children aged 3 to 6

From 06 October 2021

To 26 January 2022

  • Wednesday

Bright colours, shining and reflecting materials: Jeff Koons’ art whisks us off into a world of shine and sparkle, and his works like magic mirrors reflect our own image back at us. What does our image look like if we look at ourselves in his large installations?

Using observation, moments of narrative and games, we discover just what the works of art on display in the rooms can tell us, and we then continue the experience in a workshop, where we create personalised works of art in which we can mirror ourselves and look at ourselves from a myriad different points of view.

In compliance with measures designed to contain the spread of COVID-19, no more than 10 people may join any one activity. Masks must be worn throughout the activity (not mandatory for children under 6) and participants should keep at a distance of 1 metre from each other. For further information please see our safety measures.

This activity is produced with the generous support of Beyfin S.p.A.

Activity in Italian only.

Reservations are required. Places are restricted.
The activities are free of charge but a ticket to the exhibition must be purchased

Reservations are required

Sigma CSC
From Monday to Friday
9.00-13.00; 14.00-18.00
Tel. +39 055 26 45 155

Above: Jeff Koons, Balloon Dog (Red) (det.), 1994-2000, Private collection. © Jeff Koons
