Aerocene Flights In collaboration with Aerocene Foundation and Manifattura Tabacchi

Aerocene Flights

Aerocene is an interdisciplinary artistic community working on new expressions of ecological sensitivity with the aim of triggering ethical collaboration with the atmosphere and the environment for a new age free of fossil fuels. Aerocene’s activity focuses on the launch of aerosolar sculptures capable of soaring into the air thanks to the heat of the sun and to the infrared radiations emitted by the earth’s surface.

The various aerosolar sculptures that the community has developed include the Aerocene Backpack, a portable flight kit designed to be worn like a backpack. With the Backpack, sculptures can be test-flown that float in the air without the use of fossil fuels, helium, hydrogen, solar panels or batteries, thus paving the way for an alternative use of the planet’s resources.

To tie in with the Tomás Saraceno. Aria exhibition, the Manifattura Tabacchi is cooperating with the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi and the Aerocene Foundation by hosting a cycle of workshops on how to use the  Backpacks, how to pilot the aerosolar sculptures and how to explore the Aerocene philosophy in a selection of publications and videos.

Discover ARIA Days: three days dedicated to the aerosolar flying sculptures designed by Tomás Saraceno (11 – 13 September 2020)
Discover ARIA Days

In conjunction with the Manifattura Tabacchi
Aerocene Flights is promoted and realized thanks to Aerocene Foundation.

Credits: Aerocene launches. August 7, 2017 Salinas Grandes, Jujuy, Argentina. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
