Moiré effect Guided tours between art and science

  • Thursday 13 October 18.30
  • Friday 21 October 18.00
  • Thursday 10 November 18.30
  • Friday 18 November 18.00
  • Friday 9 December 18.00
  • Thursday 15 December 18.30
  • Thursday 12 January 18.30

Moiré effect is a cycle of guided tours conducted by a museum educator and a physicist probing the work of Olafur Eliasson from the dual perspective of art and science.

Optical effects, refractory phenomena and interference with our vision all play a crucial role in the exhibition that the artist has devised for Palazzo Strozzi – a pathway in which artificial light, fleeting shadows, reflections and moiré effects interact with the Renaissance building to change not only its aspect but also our perception of that aspect.

Olafur Eliasson’s artistic practice embraces the world of architecture, science and technique, developing experimental investigation with the support of experts from a variety of different disciplines.

The cycle of tours is designed to expand visitors’ knowledge of the artist’s work from an interdisciplinary viewpoint that conjugates art with science.

The project has been devised as part of the Palazzo Strozzi Future Art programme developed with the support of the Fondazione Hillary Merkus Recordati and in conjunction with the Dipartimento di Fisica e AstronomiaIstituto Nazionale di Ottica (CNR-INO) and the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS).

Per una migliore esperienza di visita, consulta le informazioni per i visitatori.

The cost of the activity is included in the price of admission to the exhibition.
Reservations are required.

Ufficio prenotazioni
CSC Sigma

Dal lunedì al venerdì
Tel. +39 055 26 45 155

Dipartimento Educazione

Cover illustration: Olafur Eliasson, Your view matter, 2022 (detail), Metapurse
