Aria Lectures

To tie in with the Tomás Saraceno. Aria exhibition (until 1 November 2020), Palazzo Strozzi, in conjunction with the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, will be holding a cycle of lectures on the relationship between human civilisation and climate change.

The most important historical phenomena in recent years, including the ongoing health crisis, are linked to overexploitation of natural resources and consequent changes in the climate. Tomás Saraceno’s exhibition is a thought-provoking exercise designed to spark a debate on man and the environment around us, urging us to envisage new development scenarios for the future based on a critique of our society’s current growth paradigms.

The three lectures in the cycle set out to help us define the context of the current environmental crisis with the aid of three experts from the field of scientific research.

Tuesday 9 June at 18.00
Stefano Caserini
The climate, a delicate balance not to be upset

Tuesday 23 June at 18.00
Antonello Pasini
The climate and migrant flows

Tuesday 7 July at 18.00
Franco Miglietta
Forests, lungs to be preserved and developed

The cycle of lectures is curated by Marco Bindi, Chair of Florence University’s Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Alimentari, Ambientali e Forestali and Vice-Rector for Research.

The lectures (in Italian only) will be held in live streaming mode and can be followed on Palazzo Strozzi’s Facebook channel.
