Museo Aero Solar

Aero Solar Museum is a large flying sculpture made exclusively of reused plastic bags. The project was developed in 2007 on the basis of an idea that came to Tomás  Saraceno in the course of a conversation with Alberto Pesavento and it has now been implemented in 21 countries.

The project offers us an opportunity to turn what we normally tend to look at as rubbish into an object capable of bringing together the work of an entire community and embodying the vision of a future without pollution.

To tie in with the Tomás Saraceno. Aria exhibition the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi has begun to cooperate with the IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) and the Aerocene Foundation on the production of a new Aero Solar Museum. IED students have been involved in planning a communication campaign to publicise the project and to encourage visitors to the exhibition to bring their plastic bags to Palazzo Strozzi.

The current health crisis has checked the project’s continuation and prevented the collective sculpture from being produced, but at the same time it has provided a stimulus for rethinking our ways of sharing and participating during these months of enforced social distancing. 

What ideas do we have for the future? Each one could now make his or her contribution to the project with a thought or an image through this website page. Once the collection is complete, all contributions will be brought together in a new Aero Solar Museum which will fly in digital mode.

The project is produced in conjunction with IED, Publiacqua and the Aerocene Foundation

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