Teenage Kit – American Art

The Teenage Kit is a tool devised for kids aged 12 to 19 to use while visiting the American Art 1961-2001 exhibition, either under their own steam or with friends.

The Kit is a small illustrated guide that uses concise, easy-to-understand language to offer a series of thoughts and exercises useful for interpreting the exhibits and exploring the thinking of the artists in the show. It also contains a proposal for a creative exercise to do at home based on the artworks observed in the exhibition halls.

The Kit is specially designed to appeal to young art lovers who have never found the courage to try visiting an art exhibition on their own, or to kids whose only encounter with art has been on a school outing. The Kit urges you discover art as a personal experience to be enjoyed in your free time and with whomsoever you choose.

The Teenage Kit is designed both to be used in Palazzo Strozzi’s exhibition halls and to allow you to complete your experience at home. You can pick up the paper version at the exhibition entrance or download the digital version (available on line soon).

For and with young people

The Teenage Kit has been devised in conjunction with Giovanni, Giulio, Guido, Lorenzo, Mario, Pietro P., Pietro R., Tommaso C. and Tommaso S., students from class IV A at the Liceo Scientifico Istituto Ernesto Balducci in Pontassieve, who took part in the 2020/21 edition of Plurals, the PCTO pathway organised by Palazzo Strozzi.

For teachers

This Kit is a tool for visiting the exhibition over the summer, in a year when schools have been unable to organised class outings. Teachers eager to encourage their students to use the kit over the summer and wishing for further information on this tool and its uses should write to us at: edu@palazzostrozzi.org

This activity has been produced with the generous support of Unicoop Firenze.

INFO: edu@palazzostrozzi.org

On top: Barbara Kruger, Untitled (We Will no Longer be Seen and Not Heard) (det.), 1985, Minneapolis, Walker Art Center. ©  Barbara Kruger. Courtesy the artist and the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
